Friday, June 8, 2012

The American Spectator : The Real "War on Women"

The American Spectator : The Real "War on Women"

1 comment:

  1. Seeded by CL1
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    Among the people who are disappointed with President Obama, none
    has more reason to be disappointed than those who thought he was
    going to be "a uniter, rather than a divider" and that he would
    "bring us all together."
    It was a noble hope, but one with no factual foundation. Barack
    Obama had been a divider all his adult life, especially as a
    community organizer, and he had repeatedly sought out and allied
    himself with other dividers, the most blatant of whom was the man
    whose church he attend for 20 years, Jeremiah Wright.
    Now, with his presidency on the line and the polls looking
    dicey, President Obama's re-election campaign has become more
    openly divisive than ever.
