Thursday, December 15, 2011

What happens in 2012 - YouTube

What happens in 2012 - YouTube

1 comment:

  1. Uploaded by aliensoul on 15 May 2009
    First - The Mayans DID NOT SAY THE WORLD ENDS!!! - the 2012 Event is cyclical and simply is a time of great destruction and purification, upon which the world will emerge clean once more to begin a new Age. This time will be the 5th Age. We are emerging from the dark Age and this next Age will be another Golden Age, as it was during the time of Atlantis. If you do the math, that's about a 100,000 yrs ago. [Open for discussion] Zombie comments will not be allowed. This is a fascist video and I am Dictator. No religious nuts, esp. Christian provacators.

    Refer to the 8-part series "The Horizon Project" by Brent Miller, for the full story.
