Saturday, August 11, 2012

Market Intelligence in Global Organizations: Survey Findings in 2011 - Global Intelligence Alliance

Market Intelligence in Global Organizations: Survey Findings in 2011 - Global Intelligence Alliance

1 comment:

  1. The Global Market Intelligence Survey 2011 by GIA is the largest MI survey ever conducted. The survey results provide evidence for both executive decision-makers and MI professionals about how widespread MI is globally, how companies are benefiting from it, and how the activity has been resourced.

    For the first time, the differences between companies that have world class Market Intelligence (approximately 10% of the surveyed organizations) and those that haven’t are analyzed. Notably, decision-making in companies with world class MI is substantially more efficient than in companies in general. Companies with world class MI also work closer to decision-makers, use their budgets and teams more effectively, and have more extensive internal networks.

    Read more:
