Thursday, February 9, 2012

Is Keith Olbermann the Last Hope for Gore's Current TV? - The Daily Beast

Is Keith Olbermann the Last Hope for Gore's Current TV? - The Daily Beast

1 comment:

  1. Gore and partner Joel Hyatt, had finally come up with what could be a game-changing plan: to reinvent the station as a 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week liberal cable-news outlet, a bastion for progressive ideas and politics on television, a way to harness and influence the Democratic Party—in short, as Hyatt says, the “anti-Fox.”

    The timing was perfect. Current’s liberal baptism was coming at the beginning of a tabloid-ready presidential election—just the conditions that had launched Roger Ailes’s Fox News out of the 2000 race as the ballsiest and most powerful voice in political media. The network’s natural audience had been energized into a national movement in Occupy Wall Street, with young people sleeping in the streets and yelling about government corruption, industrial greed, and social inequality. At the center of Current’s rebirth was supposed to be Keith Olbermann.
