Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Brian Clark originally shared this post:Just build a website, and make a ton of money off advertising, right? It doesn't really work that way.3 Reasons Why Online Advertising is the Worst Model for Your Startup | EntreproducerYou might have noticed a lot of recent complaints about what's known as “page view journalism.” Thanks to the way online advertising works, many online publishers push out tons of daily content, m...

Brian Clark originally shared this post:Just build a website, and make a ton of money off advertising, right? It doesn't really work that way.3 Reasons Why Online Advertising is the Worst Model for Your Startup | EntreproducerYou might have noticed a lot of recent complaints about what's known as “page view journalism.” Thanks to the way online advertising works, many online publishers push out tons of daily content, m...

1 comment:

  1. :Just build a website, and make a ton of money off advertising, right? It doesn't really work that way.3 Reasons Why Online Advertising is the Worst Model for Your Startup.
